Butternut-(nut seeds)

Our "Native" Butternut has been struggling for quite some time from over harvesting for valuable lumber and from under apprecialbilaty-not fitting into the norm,  too messy  and too big for backyard gardens?

In recent years, climate change has limited the supply of viable nuts due to flash rains knocking off the blossoms before the bees can pollinate them. No pollination, no nuts.

The Native Butternut has been selected for valuable timber for furniture and protein food staple in famine times, 

The picture we show here are local specimens that we collect from in zone 4, growing in the driest of summers and coldest of winters. 

Butternut has a single long taproot, for best results, plant your walnuts "in situ" which means plant them where the tree will remain for years to come. Plenty of sunlight and space in deep well drained soil. Plant nuts in the fall for natural overwintering stratification.

Limited quantities. Fresh from fall of 2023

5 nuts @ $14.95 per packet.

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